Transferring your game from Ultima 4 to Ultima 5 gog versions

I bought all the Ultima games from since they are configured to play under Windows 7. I decided to transfer my game file from Ultima 4 to 5  since my Avatar was maxed out. Unfortunately I kept getting the error that my save file was corrupted.

I searched for hours trying to find a solution but nothing worked. I found a fixparty program but it wouldn’t run under Win7 64. I finally came across a post where the user modified the dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf file. I tried it with no luck. I was beginning to think that it wasn’t going to happen when I realized the conf file had the wrong directories.

  1. To transfer your game download fixparty.exe  from Ultima Codex
  2. Place the fixparty.exe file in a new folder called u4trans under the Ultima 4 folder (e.g. C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4\u4trans)
  3. Modify the dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf file that is in the Ultima 5 directory with this:  [autoexec]# Lines in this sectionwill be run at startup.#@ECHO OFF
    #mount C “..\Ultima 5”
    mount C “..\Ultima 5”
    mount A “C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4\U4TRANS”
    mount B “C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4”
    copy b:\party.sav a:\
    mount -u B
  4. Run Ultima 5 selecting Transfer and choosing A as the appropriate drive. Once you have finished transferring journey onward and save. A little insurance never hurt anyone.
  5. Modify dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf back to what it was before:
    # Lines in this sectionwill be run at startup.#@ECHO OFF
    #mount C “..\Ultima 5”

That’s it. You should now have a head start in Ultima V.

I have completed Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

This is without a doubt one of my favorite games to play. I had a little trouble getting a boat to spawn, got lost a few times, and had fun every step of the way. If you ever play any Ultima game this is the one. Play it on the PC (it’s free at or play it on the NES, just play it.

I am the Avatar
I am the Avatar

Update: This happened shortly after I posted my accomplishment on twitter. How fantastic is it that Richard Garriott aka Lord British takes the time to personally congratulate everyone who wins an Ultima game?

Link to the tweet

Lord British thanks me for  finishing the quest
Lord British thanks me for finishing the quest

Completed The Age of Darkness Trilogy

This game felt like it took forever. One of the mistakes I made was making one team and sticking with them. Having Paladins instead of the Fighter and Thief would have made life easier. I also could have replaced the Wizard with another Cleric. Fighting through Castle Exodus wasn’t hard I just needed more Cure Poison spells.

I am so happy that I have completed the Age of Darkness Trilogy, only 11 more games to go.

Ultima I The End
Ultima I Ending
Ultima II Ending
Ultima II Ending
Ultima III Ending
Ultima III Ending

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