New Blog Feature & How Ultima VII Part 2 Is Kicking My Ass

I have decided to keep track of what I am playing and how well I am doing.

The past week has been all about Hyrule Warriors Legends on the 3DS. I have never played any of the Dynasty Warriors games before until I bought Hyrule Warriors on the Wii U. I enjoyed it but never got the chance to play it since Little Wyatt hogs the Wii U. The 3DS version is really close to the original and is a great pick up, play for 5 minutes, put down kind of game. I needed something like this for a while now. I’m still not 100% sure what I am doing or supposed to do but I’m having a lot of fun doing it. I’ve focused on Adventure mode and have only completed the first area in Legend mode.

When I do get on the Wii U I am playing Twilight Princess HD. This has always been one of my favorite Zelda games and the remastered version is beautiful. I just finished the first dungeon and am heading to the 2nd area.

On the PC I have started playing Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle. Waiting so long to start back was a stupid move on my part as I have had to spend a couple of days figuring out where I was at and what I had already accomplished. I just completed the quests in the Sleeping Boar Inn and started searching for the mint to free Captain Hawk. I had to read a walkthrough to figure out where I was and what I had already accomplished. I’m devoting an hour or two a night until I win this game.
I am playing the version and not Exult this playthrough to keep it original and because I secretly hate myself.

Transferring your game from Ultima 4 to Ultima 5 gog versions

I bought all the Ultima games from since they are configured to play under Windows 7. I decided to transfer my game file from Ultima 4 to 5  since my Avatar was maxed out. Unfortunately I kept getting the error that my save file was corrupted.

I searched for hours trying to find a solution but nothing worked. I found a fixparty program but it wouldn’t run under Win7 64. I finally came across a post where the user modified the dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf file. I tried it with no luck. I was beginning to think that it wasn’t going to happen when I realized the conf file had the wrong directories.

  1. To transfer your game download fixparty.exe  from Ultima Codex
  2. Place the fixparty.exe file in a new folder called u4trans under the Ultima 4 folder (e.g. C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4\u4trans)
  3. Modify the dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf file that is in the Ultima 5 directory with this:  [autoexec]# Lines in this sectionwill be run at startup.#@ECHO OFF
    #mount C “..\Ultima 5”
    mount C “..\Ultima 5”
    mount A “C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4\U4TRANS”
    mount B “C:\GOG Games\Ultima Second Trilogy\Ultima 4”
    copy b:\party.sav a:\
    mount -u B
  4. Run Ultima 5 selecting Transfer and choosing A as the appropriate drive. Once you have finished transferring journey onward and save. A little insurance never hurt anyone.
  5. Modify dosboxULTIMA5_single.conf back to what it was before:
    # Lines in this sectionwill be run at startup.#@ECHO OFF
    #mount C “..\Ultima 5”

That’s it. You should now have a head start in Ultima V.

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