Not a week goes by that I am not checking craigslist, hitting play n’ trade, or going to the flea market to find stuff. The problem I keep having is that some people are crazy with their prices. At the flea market I will find games that are common for $5-10 and at play n’ trade they are $1. Just because someone posted it on ebay for that amount does not mean that is what it’s worth. Drives me insane.
I managed to knock a few off my most wanted list including Rygar and Pro Wrestling. Check my pictures to see my latest finds.
I have set up an old CRT in my office (Thanks Chris) with all the systems hooked up to it minus the Wii. The pictures on the right are during “construction”. More will be coming when I finish the room. I need to find AV cables for my Genesis and Genesis M2 so that the Atari will be the only RF connection. I don’t use my top loading NES because of the display issue it has. The NES I bought from my cousin is in perfect condition and still works great (Thanks Melissa). Eventually I’ll buy a new 72 pin connecter for it but for now it rocks. I love having everything in one place. Nothing is greater than to take a break from coding, pick up a control pad, and start bringing the pain to some bad guys. I also want to go on record as saying that the Dreamcast is one of the most under-rated systems ever. That thing was way ahead of its time. I will be purchasing more games for it and will even shell out the cash for some imports.
Last thing, I still got skills.