I was able to get my hands on this one finally. It’s the infamous Power Glove made famous by the movie The Wizard. Back in 89 my buddy Kurt had this thing and we never got it to work. I hooked it up last night and guess what? I still couldn’t get it to work right. It is a total fail but it looks cool in my collection.
The great part of this find is that it is in a travel case with the instructions and quick start guide. The travel case is a bit perplexing as I can find no information on it.

Thanks to my buddy Scott P. for finding this gem for me.
i have one of these, case too, and am browsing around to find the value to sell it — the case must be rare because there just aren’t many comments on it around the net… or i just haven’t looked deep enough yet…
If you ever find out any details on it let me know.
You end up selling it??